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Contact us: Data & Specialized Services

MIT Libraries staff list

About Data and Specialized Services

Data and Specialized Services (DSS) provides the MIT community with expert services related to the creation, use, and management of data and other digital content in their research, teaching, and learning.

Programs supported within DSS include the Citation Management and Writing Tools Team, Geographic Information and Statistical Software Services, and Data Management Services. DSS contributes to explorations of prospective programs and services in support of Digital Scholarship.

Headshot of Peace Ossom Peace Ossom, Director of Research Data Services

Phoebe Ayers

Headshot of Phoebe Ayers

Phoebe Ayers

Librarian for Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,
IDSS, and Mathematics
Liaison, Instruction, and Reference Services
Data and Specialized Services | 10-500 | 617.253.4442

Robert Caplin

Headshot of Robert Caplin

Robert Caplin

Administrative Assistant
Administrative Services; Research and Learning | 14S-210 | 617.253.0874

Paxton LaJoie

Headshot of Paxton LaJoie

Paxton LaJoie

Interim Head, GIS and Statistical Software Services; GIS Specialist in Education and Practice
Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5588

Amy Nurnberger

Headshot of Amy Nurnberger

Amy Nurnberger

Program Head, Data Management Services
Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.258.5596

Peace Ossom

Headshot of Peace Ossom

Peace Ossom

Director of Research Data Services
Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.253.9319

Erin Shives

Erin Shives

GIS & Statistics Librarian
Data and Specialized Services | 7-238 | 617.252.1475

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