Geared for tracking environmental and energy action in Congress; covers hearings, markups, bill introductions, floor actions, positions of key legislators, stakeholders and more.
OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results.Pull down menu to use Advanced Search.
Indexes high-impact science, social science, engineering, art & humanities research journals, 1900 - present. Covers many aspects of energy topics. Also used for tracking citations.
Comprehensive chemical information database. Covers scientific journals, patents, conference proceedings, and technical papers. 1907 - present. You must register at before using the first time.
Access to over 2500 US and international news sources. Sources include newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites.
News, business, and legal resources. To search just newspapers and magazines, click "Search by subject or topic" above the search bar, and choose "All news."